My private one-on-one sessions are designed to support you in the process of addressing what you want in life and what is keeping you from it. From the first session, you can begin to feel a shift in your body-mind awareness leading to more clarity, empowerment, and mindful embodiment. Clients use my sessions to reduce stress, learn nervous system regulation tools, transform patterns in their life, release anxiety, restore, energize, and vitalize pleasure. Yes!
“I have been a yogi and mediator for 20 years and it was not until I had the honor of working with Alycia that I found true integration in my body, mind, heart and spirit. This work heals the wounded psyche, gives us the opportunity to hear and honor the voices in ourselves that our loud lives render mute. It frees the bound body. It lifts and lightens the heart. Alycia creates a sacred space to feel whatever arises, and be prepared, it will rise up. ”
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Book a free 30 minute discovery session with me to learn more about psychosomatic work, ask questions, and see how it feels in your mind, body, and spirit.
What is a Session like?
First, we talk. I meet you where you are in the moment. I listen to you and we begin to identify what is at the core of your current situation. As you talk, I observe the way your body gestures as a way of sensing where your body may be holding or distributing your energy. Then, I may invite you to utilize breathing exercises, intentional movement, or mindful somatic practices.
Each session facilitates a deepening of your own awareness of the sensations and energy in your body. This helps you to liberate bound energy, emotion, and patterns of behavior that are no longer serving you. By integrating these new understandings in your cellular memory, you can further cultivate the life you want to live.
Clients use my sessions to reduce stress, unbind the energy of trauma, address patterns in their life, release anxiety and depression, or restore and energize. A session can be fun and lighthearted or emotional, nurturing and cleansing; depending on your goals.
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Each session is catered to your intentions and current state of being to support you in making radical change and growth in your life. Some intentions have included:
: Dedicated direction in relevant somatic exercises, movements or meditations to release bound energy, recognize triggers, recondition physiological responses and integrate new awareness through body, mind, and spirit.
: Trauma release (tracking emotion in one's system, patterns and personal history).
: Body, Mind & Spirit awareness in relation to behavioral patterns, posture, & sense of being.
: Grounding techniques to strengthen courage in addressing issues at the core of dis-ease and build empowered embodiment.
: Deepen understanding of anxiety, injury healing, alignment, and ritual practice to utilize in mindful approaches toward change.
: Support in fine tuning breathing techniques, yoga postures, & presence in communication. Creative approaches to encourage neuroplasticity.
: Space for embracing inner bliss, rage, shame and everything in between to transform it into radical vitality.
: Guidance through the process of embracing and embodying inner calm, joy, and vibrance.