Psyche-Somatic Movement Affirmation Activations
Are there times when you recognize something has triggered you, but don’t want the reactive inner feelings to drive your present moment?
You have options! You can use your breath and somatic awareness to transform how you are feeling in the moment and change your experience to align with your inner desires and innate intelligence.
& It doesn’t require any one else to change, because this is for you. It is a form of self love and inner strength activated through you cellularly!
You can create an affirmation that moves through your body and blesses up your psyche from your innermost intelligence. Yes!
We all have snapshots (aka memories) that rise up like pop up videos in our minds' eye and mental chatter. These ephemeral snapshots come and go, but sometimes, whether it be intentional or not, they end up on repeat like a broken record taking us out of the present moment and bringing us right back to the feelings, emotions, and reactions of the snapshot from our past. If the snapshots are happy, we may embrace the bliss and pleasure we once felt long-ago emanating through our body and mind. If the snapshot was unpleasant, however, we may unwittingly begin to suppress the emotions and feelings which could lead to anxiety, depression, or irritation that often comes out sideways toward others or solidifies as pain in our own body.
Alternately, we may enter a mental loop that can manifest a type of slogan for the snapchat moment that our ego runs with by placing blame, flaming anger, and oftentimes ending in a collapse of shame for even going through the whole snapchat situation and pattern of thinking in the first place. In some ways, this is part of the human experience. On the other hand, we can utilize our full psyche and somatic intelligence to rewire how snapshots express themselves in our nervous system. We can use our breath, our awareness, and our superhero psyche-somatic abilities to shift the roots of our snapshot patterns into fresh soils watered with what we want now rather than what we felt then. I have decided to call one of the practices I have been working with that has proven to be effective in these moments Psyche-Somatic Affirmation Activation. It happens to be fun to say as an acronym too, (imagine Pizzazz simmering off the lips without the “z” and more of an “sssss” sound as in snake) PSAA. Yes!
One of my amazing clients created a PSAA she named Ease Beam Activation. She created it during a time when a lot of family was visiting and the tension of old family dynamics tended to be overwhelming. We clarified what she wanted in those moments to be more feelings of ease to unfold opportunities for creating new memories free of past dynamics. We started with isolating how it felt in the body to be in one of the moments that caused distress. Then, invited full body expression of how it felt. Afterward, there was a natural slowing of breath and feeling of ease within her embodiment. I asked her what she would do if she could activate this feeling through a superhero style movement.
At first, she looked at me like you’re kidding, right? Then, after seeing I was totally serious, she gave it a try and created her Ease Beam Activation. We did it together and soaked in the feelings of ease that manifested in body, mind, breath, and being. This became a tool for her to use whenever she needs it. Since the psyche-somatic movement is embedded in her body, she doesn’t have to bust out into her Ease Beam choreography to initiate its affirming influence every time. She can sense it moving through her and breathe it into her embodiment in the moment. She drew the sketches above to illustrate her Psyche-Somatic Affirmation Activation and gave me permission to share them with you.
Want to create your own Psych-Somatic Affirmation Activation?
Or, perhaps gift a PSAA session to someone you know and love? Click here